Be Inspired ~ Cuttlebug Challenge 19

Happy Wednesday!  Today’s Challenge over on the Cuttlebug Challenge Blog  is to make an embossed acetate card.


I embossed the acetate with the D’vine Swirl folder and the large dots from the Just My Type border set.  I then traced the swirl design with my Sakura quickie glue pen, let it dry and then applied yellow Glitter Ritz micro fine glitter. 

I stamped the cupcake base and then ran it through the Cuttlebug with the spots and dots folder, cut it out and pieced it back onto the image.  I coloured the cupcake with Copic markers, used Liquid Applique for the icing and red Liquid Pearls for the cherry on top.  I then cut 3 scalloped circles with Nestabilities and matted the image.  To finish the card I tied on the ribbon.

Paper:Bazzill, Acetate  Stamp: My Favorite Things (It’s a cupcake kind of day!)  Ink: Versafine  Accessories:Cuttlebug (D’vine Swirls, Just My Type, Spots and Dots), Nestabilities (Small Scalloped Circles), Sakura Quickie Glue pen, Glitter Ritz (Yellow micro fine glitter), Copic markers, Liquid Applique, Liquid Pearls (Red), Yellow ribbon.

I can’t wait to see what  everyone does  for this weeks challenge!  Take a minute and head on over to the Cuttlebug Challenge  and see what all of the other amazing DT members have done!

Have a great day, and as always thanks for stopping by!
