Sweet Cupcake

Hi again!  Well today has turned into another snow day for me.  We have had snow again all day.  Yuck!  At least I was able to get some stuff done around here and find time to play.


This is card #2 for the Verve Stamps Looking for Love Challenge over at SCS.  I used the Cupcake Affair set today, I think that this may be my favourite set from Verve.  I started by stamping the base of the cupcake and embossing it with clear detail powder.  I then coloured it in with a Copic marker.  I then stamped and pieced the top of the cupcake using a scrap piece of the new Basic Grey paper.  I then traced over the pink likes with my clear Spica pen, added some tiny pearls and finished it with a layer of Diamond Glaze.  I then stamped and cut out the flowers and pop dotted them on.  The rest of the card came together quickly and easily.

Paper:Bazzill (reg & bling), Basic Grey  Stamp: Verve  Ink: Memento, VersaMark  Other:Diamond Glaze, Clear ep, Copic marker, Spica glitter pen, Kaiser pearls, Fiskars threading water punch, ribbon, pop dots.

I’m not sure what I am going to do this evening, but I do know that I am not going outside!  Hopefully the snow will stop soon.  Have a great evening & thanks for stopping by!


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