Bless your little hearth

Good morning!  I didn’t get much of a chance to play this weekend, until last night.  It is amazing how quickly the weekend goes sometimes!  To those of you who wanted to see pictures, I did not get a chance to take any of my ‘playroom’ and I am sorry, I will get on that asap! 

Aileen sent me a bunch of these cute little guys a while ago, she knows how much I love Changito stamps.  Thanks again for all that you do for me, I don’t think that I tell you that often enough!  😀


I coloured my little monkey friend with prismacolor pencils and oms before outlining some of the areas with Spica pens. (Lisa, I love them, thanks for picking them up for me.)  I also used liquid applique on his hat and gloves as well as red glitter glue.  I’m not sure about that, but what is done is done.  I found some scraps of this patterned paper in my Christmas stash and thought is was perfect, I just wish I knew where I bought it so that I could get more!  The rest of the card is nice and simple and quick to put together.


Here is a close up to see the glittery detail!

Paper:Bazzill, DP?  Stamp: Changito  Ink: Versafine  Other:Fiskars Threading water punch, Kaiser rhinestones, Prima leaves, Making Memories brads, Prismacolor pencils, Oms, Spica pens, Hampton Arts glitter glue, Liquid applique, satin ribbon, pop dots.

I’m off to work now, I hope that you all have a great day wherever you are, and as always Thanks for stopping by!

13 thoughts on “Bless your little hearth

  1. This little guy is sooooo cute!!! I’ll have to check out those stamps! I’m glad you’re enjoying your pens!! I have yet to use mine (insert rolling eyes here). Looking forward to our get together later in the week! See you soon!!

  2. Awwwww…you are MOST welcome darlin’! *little tear* We’re just really bad or good (depending on your perspective!) enablers! Glad it’s not crack!! LMAO!

    It’s great to see you creating again! 😀



  3. Too cute!!!
    I agree that your DP is awesome; I hate it when I can’t remember the brand or where I bought it!!! Hope you figure it out!

  4. Oh my goodness, this is just too cute! I love it! That image is adorable. I love your paper choices and all the details you added. Too cute! 🙂
    Hugs, Christine

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